We Interrupt Today’s Regular Blogpost…..

It’s Emergency Preparedness Week!!!!!!!

Phew… I would have missed it completely if it hadn’t been for the posters and blue silicone, livestrong-type bracelets they just handed out a work.

I love it when the federal government looks after me this way. They’ve got a whole “get prepared” website (see link above) that carefully outlines absolutely everything I need to know in order to be fully prepared for an emergency. There’s even a place where you can share your emergency survival stories with your fellow Canadians so they can know what it feels like to be in a real emergency.

AND there’s a link to the Canadian Disaster Database where you can look up every disaster that ever befell Canadians (No, Brian Mulroney’s not included for some reason). It’s a fun site. Here’s one thing I found under natural disasters:

Heat Wave: Nova Scotia, Jul 26-28 1963. The longest sustained heat wave in Halifax since 1928 with temperatures of 33-34°C; greater traffic volume caused many minor accidents and several people went to hospital; four individuals drowned, and one died in a burning car.

Three days of temperatures in the low 30s (that’s like 90 or so American). Man, there must be some gripping tales coming out of that event. I’d be really interested in how a heat wave caused a burning car death, for instance. The drownings I can see — you can’t swim, but these unbearable temperatures cause you to throw yourself into the ocean. Ooops. So, if you survived the heat wave of ’63 in Halifax (JB), please share.

Me, I’ve survived the Blizzard of ’77 in Niagara, a tornado in Barrie, a hotel fire in North Bay, Hurricane Juan in Halifax and 17 years in the federal public service.

Blogville Today

I read a lot of blogs and it’s always fun to see all the smart and crazy and funny and interesting things people write about. Here are some I found especially noteworthy today:

Yoni Freedhoff over at Weighty Matters has posted a link to the Trans Canada Trail site where you can virtually walk across Canada by logging your daily walks until you rack up 18,000 kilometers – the length of the trail. http://maps.tctrail.ca/.

A reminder on Ottawa Street Style about Ottawa Fashion Week, starting this Saturday! Lots of fun stuff and a day pass is only $20. I don’t much care for OSS’s banner though – to leggy.

If you thought kitty blogging was fun you should try duck blogging – Ev & Kwatch’s new favorite hobby.

Say Hey! to Megan’s funky new website.

Meanie has just ended a long-term love affair with Juan Valdez. It’s very sad and she needs all the support she can get.

Jazz at Haphazard Life is having a cynical day. She (and her new actor/director/writer boyfriend) doesn’t think the UN’s motives are entirely pure.

The Dwarf has begun a new series that he claims will define a Revolutionary New Dating Paradigm. Even if he never comes up with a shred of useful material, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on him anyway.

The always pithy Deb on the Rocks has found the answer to one of the universe’s eternal questions: Where do all the socks go?

And, if you think kitty blogging and ducky blogging is fun, you should check out Carbon Capture and Storage blogging with Milan. But seriously, this guy is an encyclopedia, but with mad, mad passion.

A&J need real estate advice.

Mike Sornberger also thinks at least one side of the escalator is meant for walking. Thank you, Mike.