10 things that bug me

  1. When you go to get new vacuum cleaner bags or mop heads and your appliance has been discontinued.
  2. When phones or alarms ring on the TV and you think it’s real.
  3. Stores that play loud, loud music so you get a headache as soon as you walk in and can’t talk to the person your with or the sales clerk.
  4. The TV ad where a bunch of women are “celebrating” one woman’s 50th birthday and they’re all being hags by telling her all the horrible things that are going to happen to her now that she’s 50.
  5. People who end their emails with “if you have any problems or questions, please don’t hesitate to call me”. Do people with problems hesitate to call someone who could solve them? And, if they do, would this sentence make a difference?
  6. People who send an e-mail and then call you or come over to your desk to see if you got it.
  7. When you have a lab test/x-ray/ultra-sound or something and everyone has to keep it a secret from you because a whole team of strangers has to know these things about your body before you are allowed to.
  8. People who correct grammar or typos in library books.
  9. Drivers who stop at intersections in the middle of crosswalks.
  10. Being lectured about global, social or other issues and then hit up for money by zillionare celebrities who barely know what they’re talking about.