Off With Their Pants!

So, you know all the long tops, shirts and t-shirts that are fashionable these days? And you know how people have been wearing them with leggings, which is okay for a lot of women, but not so okay for some women? And you know how people say, “hey those are tops, not dresses, wear some real pants!” to those women who just can’t pull off leggings?”

Well, it seems that now that the warm weather is here, girls and women are wearing these long tops without any bottoms at all!  I live close to a high school, so when I first started seeing girls walking around in nothing but a t-shirt or tank top the last couple of weeks, I just thought maybe they had on really short, shorts.

But no. They only have panties on under there. I know because I’ve seen them. I’ve seen their panties and their thongs. You can’t help but see them. Because they’re not wearing any pants over their underwear. They’re only wearing shirts. And shoes. And that’s all. No pants or shorts. None. And I’m seeing them everywhere now.

I thought I was going crazy or I’d missed some sort of designated Summer-of-No-Pants memo, but then I Leah McLaren wrote about this in her column on the weekend, so apparently it’s “the style” for this season.

Look, I even found some photos of celebs and other people walking around in public without pants:

 Okay, I know if you’re at the beach you’re wearing less than this in public. And maybe this isn’t much different than a mini-skirt or mini-dress, but it somehow seems different, doesn’t it? And, as I was saying to Zoom the other day, I know we’re sometimes surprised at how much young women like to thrust their firm, newly developed body parts in everyone’s faces. And I figure since they really only have a few years of this physical perfection to enjoy before the steady decline into saggy middle age begins, I figure – go for it, right? But, gee — not wearing pants??? I don’t know. It just seems a little over the top or under the top or something to me.

How is this appropriate for school or shopping at the mall? Do their parents not notice a shortage of pants in the laundry?

This past weekend, XUP Jr. begged me to take her shopping for some new summer shorts and skirts and stuff.

Thank goodness.